
Lanzamiento mundial Baracoa y Paloma | Una noche inolvidable

El pasado jueves 6 de junio se vivió el lanzamiento de los dos nuevos perfumes de Renier Perfumes en Ciudad de México.Se presentaron Baracoa y Paloma, dos nuevas propuestas de la marca Renier Perfumes originaria de Praga, Republica Checa, en...

 José Chávez

Rito Italy | La nueva marca de perfumería de ultralujo

Una entrevista exclusiva con Davide Martini y Stefano Torreggiani, creadores de Rito Italy. En el vasto universo de la perfumería artística, hay un lugar donde la elegancia del arte se combina con la precisión de la ciencia y donde el...

 José Chávez

Imaginary Authors: A Literary Journey Through Aromas

Imaginary Authors combines literature and perfumery, offering fragrances that tell unique stories. From a philosopher who discovers a revealing ingredient in 'O, Unknown!' even a message by telegram that changes destinations in times without instant communication. These perfumes not only...

 José Chávez

Musky Rain, a Renier masterpiece - Fragrantica

With great privilege we share with you one of the several informative notes from Renier Perfumes, on this occasion the expert and perfumer Miguel Matos, part of the Fragrantica team expresses his point of view on the latest launch from...

 José Chávez

Discover Lorenzo Pazzaglia: A Chef Turned into a Perfumer

At Taller Olfativo, we always seek to offer you the best of niche perfumery, and today we want to highlight a brand that has captivated our customers: Lorenzo Pazzaglia. Lorenzo Pazzaglia is a perfume brand that has earned a place...

 José Chávez